Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Dis ek, Anna by Elbie Lotter
Sy het haarself Stom Anna genoem. Omdat sy aan iemand kon vertel van dit wat tussen haar en haar stiefpa plaasgevind het nie. Nie aan haar ma nie, nie aan haar beste vriendin nie, en selfs nie aan haar eie pa nie. Dit is ’n verhaal wat sy nou eers, jare later, kan uitskryf. Nou eers kan sy die swye verbreek oor hoe haar stiefpa haar diepste menswees aangetas het. En hoe sy uiteindelik ánderkant uitgekom het.
My review
Format: Kindle Edition
Dis ek, Anna
Is a book that twisted me like a dirty dishcloth. Left me out to dry. Made me feel like a tuning fork that has never been pitch perfect. It acted like a magnet. Pulling me towards it only to change polarity and force me away.

Is the writing good? No. Its brilliant. You are with this girl every step of every way. You are with her, watching as Danie starts to prime her at only ten.

You look down the hall to warn her when she needs to sneak out her wet bedding. When she meets Marnus you fall in love with him ten seconds before she does.

Yes. I am late to the party. 12 years late but this book is ageless. It is horrible, it is stunning. It is served with no sides of nice and with a distinct lack of woe-me all at once.

This book, this review. Is not for you dear reader. The book is for everybody. This review is for me. I finished this book last night and talked to EVERYBODY about the book the entire day. To the point where I got annoyed with myself. I have never ever hated anybody the way I hate Anna's mom. I am glad Anna loves her. I hate her.
I am writing this review to close this chapter. To still Anna's voice in my head. I do not bank on it working but I need to get over Anna, over even Little Danie who in his own way broke my heart.

I hope when I push publish I will be done with this. I doubt it. I think Anna came to change my life

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